One of Those Days

PelaPela World


228-6201 富里市日吉台4丁目3-1 成田中央公園スカイハイツC棟201

営業時間 9:00〜22:00 不定休


One of Those Days


2014/12/16 One of Those Days

Well, is it cold enough for everyone yet?  Some people will say Yes and some will say No, but whatever you say, winter is finally here.

I just came back from Takanekido Station a short while ago.  And for you who don’t know where that is, it’s near ShinKeisei Narashino station.  We opened a school there in November and have several classes.  Hopefully, there will be more soon!

If you are interested in learning English, Chinese, Spanish or Korean , please check out our website!

Have a fun winter vacation!