
PelaPela World


営業時間 9:00〜22:00 不定休




2014/12/08 英会話、とある成田のスーパーマーケットで

The other day as I was putting my food into bags at a supermarket after checking out, an elderly Japanese man joined me at the table to pack his purchases also. The Toronto Blue Jays baseball jacket I was wearing drew his attention and he immediately initiated a lively English conversation with me. Five minutes later we were still wrapped up in our own little English world, reminiscing about our lives as if we had known each other for a very long time.

As I left the store that day I had a smile on my face and I thought to myself, “That was fun! I made a new friend today! I hope we meet again!” I’m quite sure he felt the same way.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have an experience like that in YOUR life? English, the common language of the world, can make it happen for you!
